As the only girls' school based on Quaker values in the United States, Lincoln honors the value of each individual while centering the Quaker values of Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship (SPICES).
Steel Yard - Metalworking & Jewelry Making
Offered in our Middle School & Upper School Divisions
The Steel Yard is a non-profit industrial art center, maker space, shared studio, and non-traditional craft school offering courses and educational programs in blacksmithing, welding, jewelry, foundry, and ceramics in Providence, RI. Since 2014, Lincoln School has partnered with The Steel Yard to offer hands-on experiences to our students in both metalworking and jewelry making.
Students can either apply for a week's concentration (held in June each year) in metalworking (offered to Grades 9–12) or jewelry making (offered to Grades 6–12). Students apply for one of 10 spots (metalworking) and eight (jewelry making) offered in the program annually in April.
Applications are focused on students’ answers to posed questions - such as “Reflect on your previous art experiences, what has inspired you to take this unique program, explain the importance of trial and error, etc.).
Preparing for Beyond High School
Lincoln School has committed to prepare our students for higher education and careers in the visual arts by introducing them to all media. This allows our students to receive fundamental exposure to all types of media so they are never held back from any visual art avenue.
Once accepted (if not accepted the first time, students are encouraged to apply each year), Ms. Thompson advises them through the overall program with a culmination of being featured in the annual fall Steel Yard show. Students' pieces are then returned to Lincoln School where each piece is treated as it is - a truly professional piece of work.
Within the Steel Yard program, students get dirty, and experience unique tools in a safe and educational manner, building self-confidence alongside artistic abilities.
- Anita Thompson, Visual Arts Chair