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You Can Make the Future

Your generous support will help the next generation of girls to take on the world.

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Planned Giving: The Lincoln Foundation

Anyone can make a meaningful planned gift to Lincoln School. It is much easier than you think! Many alumnae, parents and friends have included Lincoln in their estate plans to ensure that Lincoln can continue to provide an outstanding educational experience for generations of girls and young women.

Today, nearly 100 alumnae, parents, trustees and friends of Lincoln School are members of the Lincoln Foundation, our Planned Giving Society. Recent planned gifts have helped support the Dwight House restoration and the renovation of the Murray Athletic Complex at Faxon Farm. These gifts have also been added to our endowment for scholarships, faculty development and new programs to help ensure Lincoln's long-term financial stability.

INquire about the lincoln foundation

Making a Bequest to Lincoln School

Outright bequests in your will are the most straightforward way to leave a planned gift to Lincoln. Bequests to Lincoln are free of state and federal estate taxes because they will qualify your estate for a charitable deduction equal to the entire amount of the bequest.
Some basic information that you will need includes:
Legal Name: Lincoln School
EIN Tax ID: 05-0258900
Address: 301 Butler Avenue, Providence, RI 02906
To make a bequest, you may want to consider the following sample bequest language:
Specific Bequest: I give, devise, and bequeath ___________________________(insert dollar amount or item of property to be donated) to Lincoln School, 301 Butler Avenue, Providence, RI 02906, EIN #05-0258900, or its successor, to be used for its general benefit, operations and purposes.
Residuary Bequest: I give, devise, and bequeath ___________________________(insert % amount) of all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to Lincoln School, 301 Butler Avenue, Providence, RI 02906, EIN #05-0258900, or its successor, to be used for its general benefit, operations and purposes.
Contingency Gift: If _______________________(name of beneficiary) does not survive me, or shall die during the administration of my estate, or as a result of a common disaster, then I give, devise, and bequeath to Lincoln School, 301 Butler Avenue, Providence, RI, EIN #05-0258900, or its successor, all of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, to be used for its general benefit, operations and purposes.

I want Lincoln to be here for girls 20, 50, 100 years from now. For this reason, I have made a provision for Lincoln School in my will. As a loyal annual supporter, I know this gift will further my commitment well beyond my lifetime. It was also a smart decision for me financially.

- Dione Dickenson Kenyon '72, Lincoln Foundation Member

Invest in Girls and Give them the Advantage

80% of girls school students

feel academically challenged versus 44% in co-educational environments.

93% of girls school students 

are offered greater leadership opportunities than co-educational peers.

80% of girls school graduates

have held professional leadership positions since leaving campus.

Girls school graduates are 6x more likely

to matriculate to math, science, engineering, and technology degrees and careers.