Advisory Program
The Advisory Program at Lincoln School is a key component of a student's school experience. The program supports a student's academic, social-emotional, and personal development within the context of a one-to-one relationship between advisor and advisee. Areas addressed in this relationship include, but are not limited to, developing strategies for finding success in class, navigating peer relationships, and sharing ideas to help prepare for athletic competitions, arts activities, and extracurricular activities. Advisors are responsible for supporting students in all facets of their Lincoln experience, encouraging them to become effective decision-makers, proactive problem-solvers, and students of integrity. The Advising Program is designed to facilitate communication among all those who play a role in a student’s Lincoln experience including classroom teachers, coaches, tutors, and parents.
An advisor is responsible for monitoring the academic and extra-curricular progress of her or his advisees. Advisors meet with advisees on a regular basis to provide support and advice on academic and non-academic matters, as appropriate. The advisor is the liaison connecting the advisee, teachers, Dean of Students, and parents. The advisor is the advocate for her or his advisees, taking an interest in their progress and well-being.
Academic Support
Lincoln’s Middle and Upper School Learning Skills Specialist, Lesley Crawford, is available to all families to assist in guiding their students in grades 6-12. Academic support at Lincoln aims to be intentional, responsive, and inclusive. Students may opt into academic support at any time, for the short or long term. The goals of academic support at Lincoln include partnering with students to create a foundation of academic skills, to use data and diagnostics with fidelity, to encourage students in building agency, self-reliance and self-awareness, and to collaborate with faculty to support the needs of all learners.