Middle School girls learn best when they feel a sense of belonging and connection with their peers, their teachers, and their school. As Lisa Damour, author of Untangled and The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents writes, “Adolescence is a demanding developmental stage. One of the best gifts you can give a teen is to be a steady presence and lead with curiosity and empathy.”
Debbie Hanney, Lincoln Middle School Director
Girls in Grades 6-8
Lincoln School is offers a supportive, reflective and challenging program for girls in Grades 6-8.
- Grades 6-8
- Open to girls
- Team sports and after-school study hall offered
Lincoln Gets Middle School!
Middle School at Lincoln means classrooms, hallways, art spaces, sports fields, science labs, and performance spaces bustling with student activity, the exchange of ideas, and girls doing what they do best in these years: asking, experimenting, and challenging the status quo. The result? Middle Schoolers who are big thinkers: smart, funny, thoughtful, courageous, and kind.
Glance into the Algebra classroom and you’ll see students working together to solve complex equations. Enter a science class and you might find students down on the floor testing out the cars they built learning the laws of physics. Stop by the meeting room to watch girls speak in Spanish together and learn Salsa dance from their teacher. As they study and explore, our students develop confidence and self-advocacy skills that will serve them in Upper School and beyond.
In addition to their core academic classes, Middle School students choose from enrichment electives such as podcasting, song writing, literary magazine, Future City competition, and art and music courses. Together they participate in high ropes courses and community building, experience week-long engineering immersion programs, and, as Grade 8 students, travel to New York to visit the United Nations as the culmination of their History course, focused on human rights and global citizenship. Outside of class, Middle School girls can explore their interests through extracurricular activities like athletics, dramatic arts, and much more.
We believe in the power of girls and know that Middle School is a wonderful time for them to stretch their thinking, embrace their inherent sense of wonder, expand their willingness to try new things, and learn more about themselves and the world around them.