The wonder and joy of learning.
Walking into the Lower School Building at Lincoln, I am always impressed by the symphony of sights and sounds of teaching, learning, and community. When our students go to and from Music, they don’t merely walk together, they sing with their teacher and fill the halls with joy! Spend just a moment in our rotunda and you may experience anything from a math breakout group, to a language class working on a skit, to teachers collaborating with each other on a project. In the Lower School, students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 have the opportunity to live our Quaker values through the SPICES - Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship. On the playground, the foundations we lay in Quaker Studies and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) allow for our younger friends to navigate common social interactions.
At Lincoln, we have the ability to meet our students where they are and work to both challenge and support them as they need it. Our Math and Learning Specialists are scheduled in each grade multiple times a week, allowing each class to do small group work to target specific skills. STEAMx is intentionally built into the curriculum in each grade. Our talented and experienced faculty work together to make connections between the work they are doing in the classroom and the work being done in our Lower School STEAMx lab.
Daisy Sing & Share, led by a 4th grader, families and friends are invited to join us as a class shares a current project
Silent Meeting, led by a pair of Grade 5 students, where students and teachers gather to have a moment of silence then read a story or reflect on the query of the week
Quaker Studies is built into the schedule for all students to explore the meaning of SPICES
We take pride in knowing our students and we empower them to have strong voices to lead change for good. I encourage you to join us on campus to experience the wonder, joy, and passion for teaching and learning that we have here at Lincoln School.
Ianthe Hershberger, Lower School Division Director
Ianthe Hershberger joined Lincoln in 2022 as the new Head of Lower School. As an alumna from the graduating class of 2002, Ianthe has a passion for girls' education. For almost 9 years, Ianthe was the Program Director for the Girls Leadership Collaborative, which is a site-based program that empowers girls to design and implement service learning projects that positively impact their communities.
Ianthe holds a B.A. from Connecticut College and an M.B.A. from Clark University.