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Statement on Diversity & Inclusion

Lincoln School values difference and honors a multiplicity of perspectives that includes, but is not limited to, age, religion, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, gender, physical ability, and family structure. We are committed to the Quaker values of equity, justice, peace, and community. These ideals are driven by an understanding that a socially conscious learner is an empowered one, one who engages in critical self reflection and honest action.

All members of the Lincoln School community—students, alumnae, faculty, staff, administrators, parents, and trustees—will honor, embrace, and empower difference and individuality as sources of strength.

October 2017

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

DEIB upper school class

Lincoln School was founded in 1884 to provide a space for a girl’s education—addressing marginalization was built into our mission from the very beginning. 

Now, more than 130 years past our founding, we remain committed to adapting to the demands of our changing world while still honoring our school’s core values and traditions. These values and traditions are rooted in our Quaker identity, where creating the time and space to foster an inclusive, informed, and just community is a critical component of a Friends education.

Our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging at Lincoln means that we are actively working to uphold both our mission and our statement on diversity and inclusion. We are dedicated to critical conversations, interculturalism, and transparency with one another.

This means that we cannot be a school that is afraid of change. Working toward our commitment to antiracism means that we are intentionally addressing barriers that have historically prevented the full participation of people in our community. We are examining all spaces—from our classrooms, to our curriculum, to the sports field, in our student groups, and around the Board table—at Lincoln with a consistent lens of being equitable to, and inclusive of, the many different backgrounds, cultures, races, and identities that make Lincoln who we are.

Our commitment means that we are all individuals who are part of a bigger community, and all share a responsibility for living out our mission each day.

Learn more about some of the ways in which diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging is lived and learned at Lincoln: